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AoA Advanced Lighting Bundle + Presets

AoA Advanced Lighting Bundle + Presets

Description:Here is a huge pack of lighting presets for use with

AgeOfArmour's Advanced Lights, which support all of the speed

optimizations. Included are 30 presets using AoA's Spotlight,

along with Ambient Occlusion, in a portrait setup (small scale

scenes) and 20 variations of these using the same colors and

brightness in a much larger scale. Also included are 35

completely different presets using AoA's new Distant Light with

Ambient Occlusion which can be used for scenes of all sizes,

from portrait to infinity. Experience fast rendering lighting

setups with a flick of a switch using Primitive Hitmode, and

get things rendering even faster by setting separate surfaces

to use specific shading rates!

