» Articles for 22.06.2014

RM Ida

RM Ida

RM Ida

Finally the quiet dignity that comes with age has come along for V4. Ida isnt perfectly shaped, her face isnt beautiful and smooth, instead her character tells a story .. a story of life well lived, of time enjoyed and cherished. Ida is the perfect addition to round out your runtime, she comes with everything you need to create many different aged characters!.

i13 easygoing pose collection for v4

SM3D Ubasti

Wicked Fantasy Backgrounds

1908 Motor Buggy

Peek II

Peek II

Peek II by 3d-Age

Last Edited by: mmonnreason: hide links

Sensibility V4/A4/G4

Handbag I - Galore

Handbag I

Cydonia 3 ???Cydonia Nights??? (Poser)

Demon Lord Hair M4
